Thursday, June 17, 2010

It all started with a tutu.....

Back in January, Sarah was so proud of the outfit she chose to wear to school that day that she wanted me to take a picture of her. So, of course I took it with my phone so I could send it to her Daddy!

Little did I know that that one snapshot would turn into an everyday affair. Since then, every morning before school Sarah wants me to take their picture. Sometimes Jacob will stand by Sarah and some days he can't be bothered!
Some days I pretend to take the picture....but lately she's been asking to SEE the picture before she gets into the car. And sometimes she'll ask me to retake it.
So, here are just a few of the pictures I have taken with my phone before school the past few months.


macfamilytx said...

Too cute! The pics on your phone come out so much better then mine!

Unknown said...

I am so lucky to have Sarah and Jacob as my niece/nephew. I love them soooooo much - they are a HUGE part of Kenny and mine's life.